Author: Rhonda Frye

A Day Late & A Noodle Short

 I rushed home one day last week looking forward to cooking supper—dinner that is for my northern friends. I had planned to make lasagna the day before, but got home too late. I was starving, moving like a whirlwind around the kitchen. I browned beef, stirred in spices, mixed several cheeses and boiled noodles. The mouth-watering aroma filled the air. I then carefully started the layering process—meat, three noodles, cheese. Repeat… meat, three noodles, cheese. Repeat…meat, three noodles, cheese. Repeat…meat, two noodles….  Wait. What? Where’s the other noodle? “GREAT, I’m a day late...

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Deuteronomy 13:4 Prayer

“Serve only the Lord your God and fear Him alone. Obey His commands, listen to His voice and cling to Him” (Deuteronomy 13:4). Dear God,  I repent of not serving and fearing you alone. Too many times I attempt to serve and fear You plus someone or something else, including myself and my agenda. Only You deserve my full attention, loyalty, passion and energy and then everything falls into place. I need Your forgiveness.  I want to obey Your commands, but without You, it is impossible. Fill me with Your spirit—strengthen and transform me so I can meet Your Holy expectations....

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“I’ve Come, Lord” Prayers

She Said: God, I can’t seem to find my voice or move into my skin? Will you make a place where I…. “just as I am” will fit in? Feeling like a fish out of water, flopping on the sand, I need someone to “get me” I really need a friend. .  Will you be my refuge… I need a place inside. I want a shelter I can trust until my frustrations subside. Will you console me, bless me and wipe my tears away? And will you hold my hand and walk with me with me when I return to face the day?  He Said: Beloved, just look into your heart and...

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Minor Injuries

Not too long ago I read a social media post by a friend who had recently experienced a car accident. “I am thankful we escaped with just minor injuries,” she said. Hmm… Minor injuries may be minor compared to major ones, but they are still injuries none-the-less.       I will never forget the 2012 car accident that left me with minor injuries. A lady hit me on I-75 knocking me into the guard rail, and then caused me to spin across three lanes of traffic to crash into the other guard rail that sent me sliding backwards down the fast lane only to get hit head-on by a pick...

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Trust Is Everything

I am thoroughly enjoying my Bible reading plan so far this year. The only thing is…I struggle moving on to the next chapter every time my imagination piques or heart stirs. Believe me, that is often. I’m a deep thinking, rabbit chasing, rose sniffing, read-between-the-lines kind of girl. It takes an enormous amount of discipline to turn the page when I want to linger. There is a difference in reading vs. studying the Bible—both methods are good.  Study is my favorite, but this year I am reading too. Hopefully, like many of you, I will read through the Bible this year.     ...

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Growing Strong In Christ 2021

     Happy New Year! If you are a serious Christian, no doubt you’re thinking of ways you can grow in your relationship with Christ in the coming year. Me too! First, if we want to grow, we have to know where we stand! The two clear commandments we are to follow are: Love God with all your heart, soul and mind; and then love others as yourself. It seems simple enough, right? The truth is, it takes a life-time to cultivate a deep love for God and genuine love for others. We have to dedicate a lifestyle of growing our roots down into Him!  So… How are you doing? It’s...

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