Strength For Those People

By Rhonda Frye

Weary? Me too. The events of the past year or so has taken its toll on everybody. The everyday challenges of life are enough, right? Maybe you’re like me–tired.

This past week God spoke to my heart about weariness and renewal while I was on vacation. As I sat on the sand staring at the ocean just enjoying His presence, a bald eagle flew past me and landed high in a tree a few feet away. He was majestic, strong, confident and fierce. I zoomed in with my iPhone admiring him for the longest time. I had never seen an eagle that close—if ever, and definitely never at the beach. A crowd of marveling bystanders assembled below.

He eventually left the tree and flew over the water stretching out his wings. I guess his wingspan was at least 6 to 7 feet! With a high pitched squawk, he chased the other birds out of his territory. He then chose another tree close by and perched himself at the tip top. Again, I zero’d in with my phone. As I strained to see, I giggled thinking he was probably getting a real good look at me without contacts and a zoomed camera lens. 

As I sat in wonder, the words of Isaiah came to mind: “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint and strengthens the powerless. Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:28-31). 

Oh, I sighed! Oh to mount up with wings like the eagle I’m looking at right now. Me? Soar like an eagle? The best I can do is flap like a chicken and never get off the ground! He looks so alert, so strong, so dignified, so magnificent, so lofty and marvelous—anything but weak! About that time the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts… “Remember… eagles aren’t always strong…remember that study you did many years ago about the molting process?”  I responded, “Yes, Lord, vaguely…”

Once inside, I googled the molting process that eagles go through—Now… please know I’m not a qualified eagle expert—but from what I gathered… There comes a time that the eagle’s wings become weighted with dirt and oil. This will cause the feathers to start falling out. Not only that, but the talons break. As if that isn’t enough, calcium builds up on the beak so thick that the eagle can hardly hold up its head causing him to look more like a turkey wobbling around instead of the proud bird he used to be.

The molting eagle will also lose the desire to eat, the ability to see well and the ability to fly. This molting process is somewhat mysterious and there is a lot more that happens, but needless to say, it is a depressing season for the bird who is stripped of his glory. It seems like the end. In fact, it is for some eagles; the pain is too much. But, for the eagle that positions itself in the sun, who rests and eats the food dropped by other eagles, a beautiful thing happens. Renewal…. Transformation. The experts say that once the eagle emerges from the molting process, it is stronger than ever before— but what a painful process!  It took positioning in the sun, waiting…resting…and dependance…  Wow… 

“But those who wait for the Lord, shall renew their strength…” You see, renewal isn’t for everyone. Strengthening isn’t a given. The blessing is only for those who are willing to wait on Him—positioned for renewal. The Hebrew word used here is “qawa.” This kind of waiting means being tied to expectation. It’s an expectant attitude. It’s a term that closely relates to the New Testament word, “Hope.” It implies waiting with eagerness. We can only expect with eagerness if we completely trust God! The folks who get a second wind are those who trust God’s perspective in their circumstances.

Let’s face it, we need His strength to face the challenges of life! The Hebrew word for strength used here is “koah.” It’s described as a “rock-wall kind of strength, a resistance, a power to withstand assault, and provides full protection to achieve what’s needed” (The Discovery Bible). Yes! 

Back tracking a bit to verse 29,  I find it interesting that God promises to increase the power to those who “lack might.” The Hebrew word for lack used here isn’t describing a “falling short,” but this is a state of being absolutely without. To those people who have zero might…. He will increase power. So… What is might? The word for “might” means vigor—particularly reproductive, creative power. To those people who have absolutely no creative power, He increases— in an abundant kind of way, His divine power. 

Are you feeling weary like me? Have you lost your vision? Let me tell ya…We are meant to soar like eagles– high above the storms of life. Maybe it’s time to rest in the warmth of His presence- trusting Him with expectancy in our situations and circumstances. Life is full of challenges and is definitely not always easy. There will be times we will find our souls in the darkest night, but those who wait, who rest upon the Everlasting God, the Creator of the Universe, the One who never becomes weary and has not forgotten you, THEY…(THOSE PEOPLE) will be renewed. Not maybe, but will be renewed. I want to be one of those people, don’t you? 

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