Author: Rhonda Frye

I Choose To Trust Jesus

I choose to trust Jesus whose power never weakens and love never fades—not even over time. I choose to trust Jesus whose integrity isn’t questionable because His words never fall short and His promises never fail. I choose to trust Jesus because His kindness isn’t discriminatory and His mercy isn’t blind. I choose to trust Jesus whose wisdom is so perfect it leaves no room for wonder, estimation, guessing, reading between the lines or drawing flawed conclusions.  I choose to trust Jesus whose reputation is so 100 % faithful, I can’t possibly be misguided when I follow Him....

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Trampled,Mangled & Milked

Dear Jesus, You say I can come to you  just as I am  and tell you just how I feel-  the good, bad and ugly… Ok- here it goes…  I feel trampled,                 mangled                           and milked…  My heart feels trampled-        like a stampede of people                       walking on my heart. Some —  not...

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Keep The Way Clear

“Holiness!” That word makes most of us squirm a bit, doesn’t it? It really shouldn’t. It turns out that Holiness is actually a favorite topic of mine— not  because I am a Nazarene and “Holiness” is our theme, but I love the doctrine of Holiness because it is truth. Jesus made it possible to live a victorious life above sin. Through His work on the Cross, Jesus made a way for us to be cleansed and that is a big deal. It is a big deal because sin hurts. Sin destroys. Sin confuses. Sin wrecks. Sin steals. Sin distorts. Sin perverts. Sin kills. Sin wreaks havoc. All too often I’ve...

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Prayer for Identity in Christ

Prayer- “I Belong To You”  God you know without you we are wandering sheep. We are hopeless, poor, needy and defenseless. But you called us out of darkness and into Your light. You have said,  “What I have, I give to You.”  You have given us Your Spirit and that means we have a clean conscience along with a purpose, a calling, a destiny, and a mission. And no power in hell or on earth can take it away. In you, Jesus, we are chosen, adopted, loved by God. We are blessed, highly favored and we are righteous. Who we are in You can’t be taken away from us by the enemy.  I...

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Offering Prayers

Proverbs 19:17 “If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD— and he will repay you!”      Almighty God, we approach this opportunity of sowing into Your Kingdom with great joy and anticipation knowing that whatever we give to You can’t be lost. We know a portion of this money will meet physical needs of people around the world. We know that Your word says that when we feed the hungry, or give a cup of cool water, or welcome strangers in Your name, we are actually doing those things unto You.       We also know people can be poor spiritually,...

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Faith Sharing 101

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you probably didn’t stumble into a good thing. Somebody somewhere in some way told you about Him. Maybe it was a preacher, a Sunday school teacher, parent, family member or friend. In my case, it was a lot of somebodies in a lot of places that shared the good news of Jesus. I’m grateful.      Most people cringe at the thoughts of sharing their faith and list reasons why they can’t: “It’s not my job—that’s for preachers.” “I’m too shy.” “I don’t know how, or have the right words to say.” “I don’t understand all of the Bible.”...

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