Prayer For Rest

Jesus! How wonderful it would be to be in a state of complete rest? Like—rest from having to take every thought captive. It wears me out to lasso every ungodly thought that floats in my head.  Rest from running—running from ungodly desires and running toward the prize- it makes me tired!  Rest from keeping up my guard—guarding my heart and especially guarding my mouth.  I am spiritually sleep-deprived from staying awake—sin is always crouching at the door and devil is always creeping around like a lion ready to pounce and devour.  I’m tired of letting go—letting...

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Prayer John 1:29-34

Dear Jesus, Sweet Lamb of God, How I long to be like John the Baptist—a burning, shining lamp who calls out… “Look! Look to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” Thank you for the work you have done so that you can remove it as far as the East is from the West and throw it into the sea of forgetfulness. Our sin binds us. It makes us sick. It confuses us and makes us ridden with guilt. It is a disease destroying our souls.  But You, Lamb of God, You gave Your life so that our sin can be dealt with. We can be healed and be made whole to become the humans You created us...

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Prayer For Refreshing

Father of Life, King of Mercy, Lord of Grace, YOU are the author and sustainer of everything good. From You flows a river of Holy Love. I’m stepping out into Your waters with an open soul. Wash my heart, rinse my mind with Your pure, clean, refreshing stream until it seeps into every dry crack and crevice in the depths of my being. Sweep me away in Your current. I want to go with You because, “Wherever the river flows every living creature that swarms will live and there will be many fish once these waters reach there. It will become fresh and everything will live where the river goes.” Ezekiel...

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Deuteronomy 13:4 Prayer

“Serve only the Lord your God and fear Him alone. Obey His commands, listen to His voice and cling to Him” (Deuteronomy 13:4). Dear God,  I repent of not serving and fearing you alone. Too many times I attempt to serve and fear You plus someone or something else, including myself and my agenda. Only You deserve my full attention, loyalty, passion and energy and then everything falls into place. I need Your forgiveness.  I want to obey Your commands, but without You, it is impossible. Fill me with Your spirit—strengthen and transform me so I can meet Your Holy expectations....

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“I’ve Come, Lord” Prayers

She Said: God, I can’t seem to find my voice or move into my skin? Will you make a place where I…. “just as I am” will fit in? Feeling like a fish out of water, flopping on the sand, I need someone to “get me” I really need a friend. .  Will you be my refuge… I need a place inside. I want a shelter I can trust until my frustrations subside. Will you console me, bless me and wipe my tears away? And will you hold my hand and walk with me with me when I return to face the day?  He Said: Beloved, just look into your heart and...

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Trampled,Mangled & Milked

Dear Jesus, You say I can come to you  just as I am  and tell you just how I feel-  the good, bad and ugly… Ok- here it goes…  I feel trampled,                 mangled                           and milked…  My heart feels trampled-        like a stampede of people                       walking on my heart. Some —  not...

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