Tag: bible

A Gift For and To Us

I probably shouldn’t be writing a blog this morning. God knows I have a million things to do. And who will read it anyway, because everyone else has a million things to do too. I’m writing because I can’t stop thinking, and it will make me crazy until I spill a few thoughts on paper.  For me, this Christmas season has been busier than usual. First, I led worship at a ladies’ retreat in November, and then the following weekend, I met up with my songwriting family in the mountains to write for a few days. The following weekend was Thanksgiving, and then the next, I directed a Kids’...

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God: A Redeemer of Shame

Guilt and Shame. Ugh! Don’t those two words make you want to close your eyes and mumble, “please, no!” I feel my cheeks grow warm at the thought of those two words. Guilt is heavy. Guilt makes our heads droop. But Shame? UGH! Shame has a way of shutting us down and shutting our mouths. I’ve been thinking about shame- and how it works in our lives. Shame is a pillow that snuffs the voice. It’s the hand over the mouth. I read an article recently that asked what shame tastes like, sounds like, and smells like. This is what I wrote in my journal: Shame tastes like lukewarm water—or maybe a bland...

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Mercy-The Heart of the Gospel

The Gospel is about receiving the mercy of Christ. There is no way one can save him/herself. It is only through mercy God extends His love and grace to offer salvation. Without it, we’re doomed. Mercy is a big deal. Mercy is at the heart of the Gospel. And since that is so, extending mercy to others is a mark of a true, born-again believer. If our Gospel isn’t oozing with mercy, it may be a good time to re-evaluate. There is no way around it. The Gospel is all about otherness.  No doubt, some folks may say, the Gospel is all about repentance and the forgiveness of sins. Some folks may...

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Deuteronomy 13:4 Prayer

“Serve only the Lord your God and fear Him alone. Obey His commands, listen to His voice and cling to Him” (Deuteronomy 13:4). Dear God,  I repent of not serving and fearing you alone. Too many times I attempt to serve and fear You plus someone or something else, including myself and my agenda. Only You deserve my full attention, loyalty, passion and energy and then everything falls into place. I need Your forgiveness.  I want to obey Your commands, but without You, it is impossible. Fill me with Your spirit—strengthen and transform me so I can meet Your Holy expectations....

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Trust Is Everything

I am thoroughly enjoying my Bible reading plan so far this year. The only thing is…I struggle moving on to the next chapter every time my imagination piques or heart stirs. Believe me, that is often. I’m a deep thinking, rabbit chasing, rose sniffing, read-between-the-lines kind of girl. It takes an enormous amount of discipline to turn the page when I want to linger. There is a difference in reading vs. studying the Bible—both methods are good.  Study is my favorite, but this year I am reading too. Hopefully, like many of you, I will read through the Bible this year.     ...

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Keep The Way Clear

“Holiness!” That word makes most of us squirm a bit, doesn’t it? It really shouldn’t. It turns out that Holiness is actually a favorite topic of mine— not  because I am a Nazarene and “Holiness” is our theme, but I love the doctrine of Holiness because it is truth. Jesus made it possible to live a victorious life above sin. Through His work on the Cross, Jesus made a way for us to be cleansed and that is a big deal. It is a big deal because sin hurts. Sin destroys. Sin confuses. Sin wrecks. Sin steals. Sin distorts. Sin perverts. Sin kills. Sin wreaks havoc. All too often I’ve...

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