Passing The Baton

By Rhonda Frye

I recently wrote an article for a Wesleyan commentary website on a passage that captures what some scholars say is Paul’s last will. One gold nugget I found from the passage was the importance of mentoring. I noticed how Paul wasn’t afraid to leave behind the ministry because he was leaving it in good hands. The Scripture is 2 Timothy chapter 4. In verse 5, Paul says, “As for you…” and then he proceeds to give Timothy final instructions. In verse 6 Paul writes, “As for me…” and goes on to say the end of his life is quickly approaching. As I read “As for you…As for me…” I imagined Paul as a relay runner extending his arm to Timothy— the positioned, receiving runner. Because I had to write about the whole passage in the article, I wasn’t able to spend much time on the idea of passing the baton, but I haven’t stopped thinking about it. 

I’m not a runner. I never have been. I don’t know how to pass a baton in a relay race. Thank goodness for Google! I learned it doesn’t take speed to win. It’s the team that works together. You see, if you don’t pass the baton well in the process, you lose valuable time. If the baton is passed outside the designated lane or if it is dropped the team is disqualified. 

I also learned how important it is for the runner that’s handing off the baton to run hard until the hand-off is complete. This runner cannot slow down even though he/she is at the end of their portion of the race. I’m sure I am butchering the explanation of the process, but it is safe to say passing the baton takes teamwork. It takes planning. It takes practice. It takes good positioning. It takes precision and it takes good timing.

Leaders, we must prepare the next generation! We must get over ourselves and share what we know. We must make room at the table. We have to invest time and energy into those coming up behind us. We can’t cruise. We can’t coast, nor can we hog the seats at the table. We can’t horde valuable knowledge and wisdom. We must prepare the next generation to lead, and we need to do whatever it takes to empower them. 

I had the chance to see this in action this past week at Write About Jesus, a Christian songwriting conference. It was beautiful to see Songwriting “giants” pouring into aspiring writers. I was amazed to watch award-winning, succesful writers tell their secrets about navigating the industry as well as share every bit of knowlege they had regarding the crafting of a song. I watched them encourage everyone. Honestly, these people they poured into are rising up as their competition. I have watched songwriters cheer each other on and again, it’s just beautiful. The reason they do this is because they want what is best for the song period. The seasoned, veteran writers truly want every song to be the best version it can be so that people’s hearts are touched and God gets the glory.

Paul invested fifteen years into Timothy. He gave him encouragement, instruction, and assignments. When the right time came, Paul passed the baton and said… “Be sober in everything, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully…I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.” In other words, I have done the things I have commissioned you to do and I have taught you well. Take the baton. It’s your turn! 

Maybe you’re thinking, “I’m the one that needs mentoring.” Maybe that’s true, but I’m sure you are farther along than others. Look around. Who can you encourage? Who can you help? What wisdom and knowledge can you pass along? Let me challenge you. Share your knowledge. Scoot over. Give generously. Prepare now to pass the baton later. Later will arrive, but it is a beautiful thing. This is Kingdom mentality.  

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