Crowned with Glory and Honor

By Rhonda Frye

 She stood at the bathroom counter on a step-stool in her mix-matched outfit she’d picked out all by her four-year-old-self. She was a mess head to toe—her hair was in tangles and even her socks didn’t match.  Staring straight in the mirror as she washed her hands, she smiled and proclaimed with sweet innocence…. “I’m soooooo beautiful!”  I replied, “Yes you are, Rosie, and don’t ever forget it!” Oh how I would love to apply a fake tattoo of a crown on her little forehead that reads… “Don’t mess with me… I was made a little lower than the angels, and crowned with glory and honor”  (Psalm 8:5). 

      Most of us struggle with our significance at some point in our lives. Life affords many opportunities to be rejected, looked over or betrayed. And many people experience neglect and/or abuse. Sometimes the attack on our worth doesn’t come from the actions of others, but our own faults, regrets and failures.  Although we think we’ve moved past the hurt, a number of things can trigger a set-back at any given time, it seems. I’ve seen people go through seasons of set-backs and recoveries through the course of their lives. The heaviness of defeat is real and shoves us spiraling downward. It can even paralyze keeping us from living the life God intended for us. 

     I remember being asked to sing “My Faith Has Found A Resting Place” a few years ago. I remember saying to myself… Well… I wish my self-esteem could find one. Feeling sarcastic, I re-wrote the lyrics and by the end, I reached a life-changing conclusion. 

My self esteem needs a resting place
Not in a person, job or thing
Approval from the Living One
Should wholly satisfy me

I shouldn’t need an argument
I shouldn’t need a plea
It should be enough that Jesus died
And proved His love for me

It should be enough that Jesus cares
that should end my fear and doubt
Instead I strive to run my life
I run in circles all about

I shouldn’t need an argument
I shouldn’t need a plea
It should be enough that Jesus died
And proved His love for me

My heart leans on what people say
Instead the blessed Word of God
That causes needless pain within
and yes my thoughts are flawed

I shouldn’t need an argument
I shouldn’t need a plea
It should be enough that Jesus died
And proved His love for me

Great Physician will you touch my mind
It is by your stripes I’m healed
Help me rest in your unfailing grace
For in your love I’m sealed

I need no other argument
I need no other plea
It is enough that Jesus died
And that He died for me
(And nothing else really matters)

It is enough. All of our insecurities could be laid to rest if we could wrap our minds around the fact that God thought we worth dying for. He doesn’t need us, we are just precious to Him. There is never a reason for Him to use and waste us. He wants us. He proved His unconditional love for us by dying on the Cross.

I think it is interesting that after the Last Supper, Jesus told His disciples to remain in HIs love. It is when we rest in His love we embrace our worth and can move into productivity—See John 15. When we disconnect from Him, we don’t accomplish anything worthwhile.

You may be thinking—well, that’s great, but how do I remain in His love? Stick close to Jesus. Go where He is! You’ll find His love in the pages of the Bible. You’ll experience Him when you pray. The thing is, being near Him has to be the top priority. Get up while it’s still dark to meet with Him. You may have obstacles that stand between you and Him, but pursue Him anyway. If you make the effort, He’ll roll the stone! The best part is, He’ll meet you there and you will see the Resurrected Christ! And when you do, worship Him!

There is so much Jesus can do in our lives if we remain in His love. He wants to heal us and restore the broken crown of glory and honor He placed on our heads when He created us. He loves us. He thinks we’re beautiful. He thinks we are worthy of His love. After all, we were created in His image just a little lower than the angels. Jesus has paid the price to redeem and restore us and has made every provision to reflect His glory. Remain in His love and you’ll begin to see past the tangled hair, mix-matched outfits too and see beauty within. Not only will you understand your worth, you’ll see beauty and value in all of God’s creation.

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